Pimp My Rom: Rooted App

If your looking to mod your rooted Android device but don't want to flash or go threw a complicated process then check out Pimp My Rom. It has many features that allows you to modify your device as you please without the hassle of flashing. Here are a couple of features it provides...
Toggle Android Features
- Hardware Acceleration
- Force GPU rendering
- Surface Dithering
- Purgeable Assets
- 16bit Transparency
- Kernel JNI Error Checking
- Android Logger
- Locking launcher in memory

CPU and Overclocking/Underclocking
- Minimum & maximum CPU frequencies management
- Overclocking if your kernel supports it
- Governors management
- Schedulers management
- Voltage control

***Pimp My Beats***
A full-blown audio mod containing :
- Modified DSPManager
- Beats Audio binaries, libs, framework & other assets
- Dolby Mobile binaries, libs, framework & other assets
- SRS binaries, libs, framework & other assets
# Bravia Engine 2
# xLoud & ClearAudio+
# Sony Album
# OpenVPN Support
Enjoy flash free mods!


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